
5 Year Forecast for Early Childhood Education Providers

5 Year Forecast for Early Childhood Education Providers

There’s been a lot of talk in recent months about the new child care subsidy and how it will impact financially on families and childcare centres alike. And although it is set to change the sector, there are many other factors that will see subtle shifts in the landscape over the coming 5 years. Preparing […]

How Child Care Providers Can Legally Reduce Their Tax

How Child Care Providers Can Legally Reduce Their Tax

In the recent federal budget the Government made a few announcements that could have an impact on child care providers. The most significant promise was $37.3 billion in means-tested Child Care Subsidy and the removal of regulation that hinders providers in offering more flexible hours from July 2018. This potentially opens up an opportunity to […]

The Benefits and Costs of Internal Profit Centres

The Benefits and Costs of Internal Profit Centres

Understanding your business is essential and one of the best methods in doing so is the analysis of cost and profit centres. There are dozens of methods an analyst can use to understand the internal workings of a business with the goal of improving efficiency and, ultimately, profit. One of these methods is examining an […]

The Government’s Approach to Taxing Multinationals

The Government’s Approach to Taxing Multinationals

You’ve probably read about multinational companies such as Google and Apple avoiding their tax obligations. Let’s have a look at how this may all be changing. The Commonwealth government has officially passed the “Google tax” law. Designed to provide the Australian Taxation Office with significantly expanded powers to recoup owed tax on revenue earned in […]

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