It Pays Off: 7 Reasons Business Owners Should Pay Themselves a Salary
Think back to the days before you started your business, when you were working for a boss. Chances are you were rewarded for your hard work with a regular salary. It may not have always been the same amount, but it came through like clockwork. And for the next week, month or however often you […]
3 tips for achieving—and not just setting—goals
A: “My goal is for my business to win more new clients.” B: “My goal is for my business to take on 12 new clients by June 30th next year.” Which of the above goals is more likely to be achieved? If you chose B, you’d be right. It shows serious intent about achieving a goal […]
Everything You Need to Know About Trade Marks for Your Business
Intellectual property. It’s a hot topic. Why? Because, in the globalised and ultra-connected world we live in, the intellectual property (IP) of individuals and businesses is increasingly at risk. It’s not just famous cases like Ugg Boots that are making the news. Trade mark, patent and copyright infringements in general are on the rise – both […]
Inventory Management — It’s Time to Start Tracking
Inventory is a key concept at the heart of any business: it’s what you, as a business owner, use to make money. In simple terms, inventory refers to all the items, goods, merchandise and materials held at hand for the on-selling stage that generates your cash flow. As a major asset for any manufacturing or […]