
Small Business Owners: Replace Hoping for Leads With Marketing Strategies to Generate Them
“I get all my business from word-of-mouth marketing.” “I’m a referral business.” “I don’t have the budget for marketing.” “I’m just too busy to market my business!” If you find yourself saying any of the above, it’s likely that you experience considerable peaks and troughs in your small business. Why? Because it means that you […]

5 Xero add-ons that make your rostering, timesheets & payroll problems go away
Still using spreadsheets for rosters, timesheets, and payroll? The administrative load involved in efficiently rostering staff, preparing accurate timesheets, and ensuring that everyone is paid correctly can be a huge burden on a small business – especially if you are doing it all manually. If your business involves shift work or hourly work in hospitality, […]

Financial Planner? Or Financial Salesperson? How to Spot the Difference.
It’s often said that many couples spend more time planning their wedding than they do planning their financial future. Wealth and financial independence obviously don’t happen by accident, but they do happen with planning, discipline, systems and support. And that’s why financial planning is so important. What is financial planning? Financial planning is the process […]

Business owners: A brief guide to valuing your small business
Thinking of selling? Or just curious to know the value of your business in case you do decide to put it on the market at some point? Many business owners are well-wide of the mark when placing a value on their prized asset. They overvalue it and under-prepare for their exit, believing in a huge […]